Digital Implantology, a minimally invasive approach to optimize rehabilitation times in periodontal and medically compromised patients

Pre-surgical planning, carried out through diagnostic templates, digital imaging systems and dedicated software to surgical planning, are a fundamental moment for the correct realization of implant-prosthetic rehabilitations. Minimally invasive implantology is not measured by the least invasiveness of a surgical intervention only in the execution duration, but also and above all in the extent of the vascular damage that can be caused and in the consequent altered healing process, allowing the maximum preservation of the peri-implant papillae  and the reduction of recessions of the mucous membranes. These techniques have indications in periodontal patients, avoiding total and removable transitional prostheses, which, in addition to the psychological impact, would lead to further destruction of the residual anatomy. Same conditions for patients suffering from systemic diseases who require minimally invasive treatments and reduced rehabilitation times associated with predictable results.

  Multidisciplinary Dentistry and Specialist Medicine: What are the connections?
  17:50 - 18:30


Ciabattoni Giampiero
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Ciabattoni Giampiero